Combo Package Chakra Healing & Mini Reading (10 Card) $123.00
Combo Package Chakra Healing & Mini Reading (10 Card) $123.00
My whole life I have been connected to Spirit through mediumship, telepathic and intuitive abilities or spiritual gifts, but in the last several years have been awakened to abilities to perform healings on others through the guidance of Source God, Ascended Masters like Jesus, Angels, Higher Self and Spirit Guides. I was also awakened to abilities to channel deceased loved ones, angels, ascended masters, and guides, through the palms of my hands and into the ears of person receiving the channel, this gift has not yet been mastered, I'm still trying to understand how it works, whom it's chosen to work for and why, due to some being able to receive channeled messages while others are not, they will actually hear the voice of that which is being channeled, some will see their faces too, everyone's different, I don't know what controls this. In 2019 I was guided to make a Youtube Channel where I upload videos of Divine Inspiration and Guidance for those people who are going through an Awakening Process, now to having a business helping others to Awaken their Spiritual Gifts, Heal Past Lives, Clear Timelines, (we are multidimensional beings), Expand Conciousness and Heal on all levels, Mentally, Physically, Emotionally Spiritually, I have been guided to do so to help others Awaken their True Potential and Life Purpose.